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This charismatic athlete is our Senior coach at Harder HIIT Fitness. Manuel Candaele (AKA: Coach Magic Manny) is the son of our very own Coach Lisa. He started in his moms weight classes when he was 15 and fell in love. Eight years ago he discovered Muay Thai boxing and became a fighter in this sport. He also trained to become an instructor and has been teaching Muay Thai boxing for the past 3 years.

Coach Manny is highly skilled and educated, and he is in his third year as an athletic therapy student. He is learning to become an expert at injury assessment and rehabilitation. Coach Manny has vast knowledge of on-site care and active rehabilitation skills that will make him very effective in treating the musculoskeletal (muscles, bones, and joints) injuries of anyone in need.

Coach Manny has a passion for helping others and watching them progress into the best version of themselves.

Outside of the gym he enjoys working out, trying new things, spending time with friends and family, especially his mom, Coach Lisa ❤️

We are so lucky that he has joined our team and we hope you come in soon to experience the energy, passion and challenge of Coach Manny’s classes! 

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